COVID: Education Smoke. Not Fire.

COVID is a minor educational problem. There, I said it. Truth. For decades, in the 7th largest district in the US — and in many schools around the world — the majority of kids are not mastering the basics (especially Black/Brown boys). Truth. COVID isn’t the crisis. It is short-term smoke from a long-term raging […]

It’s All About Relationships

We all know that “without relationship, learning suffers.” Can’t we do better building relationships among learners and educators? It turns out that we can…

Writing as Learning

Writing is not what you think it is. “Writing is an act of discovery!” “Writing gives us power.” (says, Dr. Robin Reagler, longtime writing expert). Here’s a plan to improve your LEARNING through writing.

Habits of Mind Drive Success

Any parents looking to build Character into your children? We have found that the “Habits of Mind” overlap with key character qualities. Build the Habits of Mind in your kids and you build their Character!

Don’t Teach Your Kids to Read (Part 2 of 2)

I continue the provocative idea of prioritizing Self-Control over Reading. This week, I describe how self-control can be built through “student engagement” and include examples and strategies for families to consider.

Is School Blockbuster or Netflix?

Blockbuster failed because they didn’t realize that our world was moving towards “Anytime, Anywhere, Everything.” If your child still sees school as “the place where learning happens,” then they may suffer the same fate as Blockbuster. Learning is now Anytime, Anywhere! Here’s how to do it.

When drowning on dry land, jump into deep water

If your child doesn’t want to learn over the holiday break, it’s likely because they have been “drowning” in a school environment that is dull and uninspiring. Now’s your chance to push them into the “deep water” where the excitement to learn can be reignited! Here’s how…